Sunday, April 8, 2012

VB code to connect MySQL Server

 Dim strDataBaseName As String Dim strDBCursorType As String Dim strDBLockType As String Dim strDBOptions As String Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection  Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Command1_Click_Error Dim b as Long strDBCursorType = adOpenDynamic  'CursorType strDBLockType = adLockOptimistic   'LockType strDBOptions = adCmdText         'Options  Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Me.MousePointer = 11  cn.Open ConnectString()          With cn         .CommandTimeout = 0         .CursorLocation = adUseClient     End With      Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset       'Creates record set      strSQL = "<Your SQL Here>"          rs.Open strSQL, cn, strDBCursorType, strDBLockType, strDBOptions       if rs.Eof then    Goto ExitSub     else     For b = 1 To rs.RecordCount 	'<do whatever you need to do with the data here>     Next b end if      ExitSub:  rs.Close Set rs = Nothing cn.Close Set cn = Nothing  On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub  Command1_Click_Error:     MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ")  & _                      in procedure Command1_Click of Form " & Me.Name End Sub  Private Function ConnectString() As String Dim strServerName as String Dim strDatabaseName as string Dim strUserName as string Dim strPassword as string      'Change to IP Address if not on local machine     'Make sure that you give permission to log into the     'server from this address     'See Adding New User Accounts to MySQL     'Make sure that you d/l and install the MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 Driver   strServerName = "localhost"  strDatabaseName = "DatabaseName" strUserName = "UserName" strPassword ="Password"  ConnectString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _                 "SERVER=" & strServerName & _                 ";DATABASE=" & strDatabaseName & ";" & _                 "USER=" & strUserName & _                 ";PASSWORD=" & strPassword  & _                 ";OPTION=3;"  End Function

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

मुंबई गणित अध्यापक मंडळ

Maths is everywhere. Without realizing we use math everyday, and it plays a part in nearly all our daily activities. Every time we pick up the phone, use the internet, manage money,  decide to take risk, check the weather report, even cook or travel math plays its part.

Development over past 20 years has led to tremendous increase in importance of mathematics in growing number of occupations and our daily life. As a result, the goal of achieving mathematical literacy for all citizens has become national priority. By today's definition mathematical definition means, adults need to have a range of sophisticated mathematical knowledge and skills that extend far beyond basic calculation skills. Mathematics trains a person a way of logical thinking and analysis. These skills are easy to imbibe at early age, but unfortunately this is not done to the mark at school level .In spite of such an important role math plays many people hate or fear math. We are trying to popularize math and take away this fear among children. This is our main motto. So, parents, teachers, come on join us. We all together try 100% literacy in math and to make math children's favorite subject.

Developed by Innovins

Sanskrit Bhasha Sanstha (संस्कृत भाषा संस्था, मुंबई )

The advantages of learning this language:

  1. The students who opt for Ayurvedic Medicine Course, for them this language is Base language , because all the verses are in Sanskrit only.As well as after having studied this language they can refer to the original text in Sanskrit.
  2. The students who choose the study of architecture, for them it is very easy to go through the original treatises of Sthapatyashastra in Sanskrit.
  3. For the study of Economics, M.B.A. and political science the rules and regulations set by Chanakya are always useful.
  4. Those who are interested in Astrology , for them study of Sanskrit is a must.
  5. Natyashastra of BharatMuni is always useful for Indian Theatre.
  6. Sanskrit language is phonetically so rich that by its pronounciation tongue turns in such a way that one can master any language in the world.
  7. Indian philosophy is transmitted in Sanskrit language. For the better understanding of the philosophy , (for both Eastern and Western philosophy) knowledge of Sanskrit is a must.
  8. Having learned and having read the good verses (Subhashitas), one can add to his / her vocabulary; to write articles as well as to acquire the mastery in oratory and in studies.
  9. Nowdays it is said that Sanskrit is the perfect language for computers , even it is tried in Pune, Chennai and in Bangalore.
  10. Sanskrit is a very fascinating and knowledgeable language which ls not only the language of literature but it is the language of physics, chemistry, all sciences, astronomy, astrology, history, geography, medicine, mathematics, beauty-theraphy, and each and every scripture in this world.