Send Emails on a Consistent Time Table

When you send your emails on a regular basis you create a pattern of which readers will become familiar with. The less likely you are to catch readers by surprise the lower your non-subscription rate will be. Internet service providers (ISPs) will also take note of regular sending patterns and credit you accordingly.

Find A Happy Sending Medium

It is important to find exactly how often you should send emails. By sending emails too often you will annoy users and by sending emails not enough users will forget about you. In either situation, they are likely to unsubscribe.

Readers are Most Receptive Tuesday and Wednesday from 2-3 PM

On Mondays everyone is running around trying to catch up on an inbox full of emails from the weekend. On Thursdays and Fridays everyone has one foot out the door looking forward or preparing for the weekend. Studies show that readers are most receptive to emails on Tuesday and Wednesday, and specifically after lunch from 2-3 PM. 


Steer Clear of Spam Filters

Internet service providers (ISPs) have caught on as to how spam email is created and delivered. In their detection of spam they have developed diligent spam filters. One of the best ways to prevent an email from being flagged as spam is to completely leave out words like "Free", "Promotion", "Sale", "Discount", and so forth.

Use the Current Date

Spam filters will often look for a recent date within an email. If they do not come across one the email may potentially be flagged as spam, or pointed in the direction of the spam folder. Using the current date will also provide relevance to the reader as well.

Smart Email Marketing

Be Personable

Treat readers as your friend, even address them by their name if possible, and you will see open and click-thru rates skyrocket. No one wants to be addressed by "Hello there" or "Dear Subscriber". If I get an email address as "Good afternoon Shay" I am most likely going to open it. Any good email marketing service will allow you to address users by their name by using a tag similar to "[subscriber_name]". Check your specific service for instructions.

ALWAYS Use a Double Opt-in Subscription System

When a reader signs up for your email or newsletter send them a confirmation email. Once they confirm the subscription, then and only then, add them to your email list. Doing so ensures that they really want to be on the list and will be susceptive to your emails. This will also prevent you from adding people to your list that have accidentally entered the wrong email address or even purposely entered a fake email address.

Do NOT Buy and Sell Email List

The quickest way to get black listed is to buy and sell your email list. Your emails will regularly be flagged as spam and your delivery rate will plummet. Most email delivery services will also refuse to send out your email campaigns if your list is purchased.

Stay in Touch with Readers

After a user has signed up for your email list, and has double opt-in, send them a welcome or thank you email with a 10% off coupon. In another week send them another email outlining some resources available on your website. Staying in touch with users ensures them that you are trustworthy and may later help you complete a sale.

Write Captivating Subject Lines

Once an email lands in a reader's inbox they have two choices. Read the email or disregard the email. Most commonly, the only opportunity you have to influence them to open the email is by the subject line. Do not title your email "FREE EMAILING ADVICE". Instead use "Company Name Newsletter: Smart Email Marketing" or "Company Name Newsletter: Issue 12".

Write Related Emails

If someone signs up for an email newsletter pertaining to web design and development and you send them an email about cheap auto insurance your non-subscription rate is going to explode. Keep your emails relevant and avoid continuously sending out sales pitches. Give your readers valued content.

Check Your Links

Before sending out your email be sure to check all of the links, both websites and email addresses, included within the email itself. Any links to spam or blacklisted websites is sure to set off spam filters. Be sure to only link to creditable sources.

Provide Benefits to New Subscribers

One of the best ways to build your email list is to give new subscribers an added bonus. Let readers know that by subscribing to your email newsletter they will receive a free e-book or even a 10% off coupon. Of course, make sure you use the double opt-in service to ensure that people are not providing you with false information.

Send Emails at a Slow Delivery Rate

Attempting to blast your email list instantly will throw up quite a few red flags and more than likely cause your email to head straight into the spam folder. Use a professional email delivery service that will send out the emails at a recommended effective speed in order to get all of your emails out in a reasonable time without causing any interruptions.

Encourage Users to Add You to Their White List

The best way to ensure your emails make it a reader's inbox is to encourage them to add your email address to their contact list, or white list. Not everyone will do it but those that do are your most dedicated readers and are sure to get your emails on a consistent basis without having to worry if the emails get flagged as spam. Additionally, internet service providers (ISPs) will count the number of times your email address is added to a white list as an account of creditability.

Delete Inactive Subscribers and Bounces

Any readers that are not opening and reading your emails are most likely marking them as spam. Removing these subscribers will help you lower your spam score. Furthermore, delete any hard bounces or undelivered email addresses. Repeatedly resending to these address may likely be considered as spamming.

Check Your Replies

Some users are going to reply to your email asking to be taken off of your email list. This is fine and it is in your best effort to listen to them. You may also receive replies from readers providing you with valuable feedback. Either way, checking your replies is to your benefit.