Free and Open Source SMS Gateway ++
playSMS is a flexible Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway, bulk SMS, personal messaging systems, corporate and group communication tools.
This project was first wrote in year 2003.
Feature Highlights
- Multiple database engine supported (using PHP PEAR DB)
- Send SMS to single mobile phone (web2mobile)
- Send SMS broadcasted to a group of mobile phones (web2mobiles, bulk SMS)
- Support sending text, flash and unicode message
- Receive private SMS to Inbox and forward it to email (mobile2web)
- Forward single SMS from mobile to a group of mobile phones (mobile2mobiles)
- SMS autoreply, for easy autoreplying formatted incoming SMS
- SMS board, forward received SMS to email, html and/or xml page
- SMS command, execute server side shell script using SMS
- SMS custom, forward incoming SMS to custom application, locally or external URL
- SMS poll, manage polling system using SMS
- SMS quiz, serve quizzes on SMS
- SMS subscribe, manage user subscribes to a service using SMS
- Create your own features, tools, themes and gateway modules as a plugin
- Supports Gammu, Gnokii, Kannel, SMS Server Tools, Msgtoolbox and Clickatell
- Simple webservices for sending SMS and retrieving delivery reports
- Long SMS support, length of text is configurable
- Rate SMS by destination prefix
- SMS credit system per user
- Timezone settings
- Multi-language user interface (English, French, Bahasa Indonesia and others)
- Easily add new language for user interface
- Web-based interface
Gateway Modules
Working Gateway Module:
- Clickatell (
- Gammu (
- Gnokii (
- Kannel (
- Msgtoolbox (
- SMS Server Tools (
- SMS Server Tools 3 (
- Uplink
Project Founder
- Anton Raharja (anton)
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