Sunday, December 30, 2012

FPDF Library PDF Generator

FPDF Library PDF Generator

What is FPDF?

FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP, that is to say without using the PDFlib library. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.

FPDF has other advantages: high level functions. Here is a list of its main features:

  • Choice of measure unit, page format and margins
  • Page header and footer management
  • Automatic page break
  • Automatic line break and text justification
  • Image support (JPEG, PNG and GIF)
  • Colors
  • Links
  • TrueType, Type1 and encoding support
  • Page compression

FPDF requires no extension (except zlib to activate compression and GD for GIF support). It works with PHP 4 and PHP 5 (the latest version requires at least PHP 4.3.10).

The tutorials will give you a quick start. The complete online documentation is here and download area is there. It is strongly advised to read the FAQ which lists the most common questions and issues.

script section is available and provides some useful extensions (such as bookmarks, rotations, tables, barcodes...).

php script to generate qr code

php script to generate qr code


PHP QR Code is open source (LGPL) library for generating QR Code, 2-dimensional barcode. Based on libqrencode C library, provides API for creating QR Code barcode images (PNG, JPEG thanks to GD2). Implemented purely in PHP, with no external dependencies (except GD2 if needed).

Some of library features includes:

  • Supports QR Code versions (size) 1-40
  • Numeric, Alphanumeric, 8-bit and Kanji encoding. (Kanji encoding was not fully tested, if you are japan-encoding enabled you can contribute by verifing it :) )
  • Implemented purely in PHP, no external dependencies except GD2
  • Exports to PNG, JPEG images, also exports as bit-table
  • TCPDF 2-D barcode API integration
  • Easy to configure
  • Data cache for calculation speed-up
  • Provided merge tool helps deploy library as a one big dependency-less file, simple to "include and do not wory"
  • Debug data dump, error logging, time benchmarking
  • 100% Open Source, LGPL Licensed


To install simply include:

  • qrlib.php for full version (also you have to provide all library files form package plus cache dir)
  • OR phpqrcode.php for merged version (only one file, but slower and less accurate code because disabled cache and quicker masking configured)

Then use it as follows: 

QRcode::png('code data text', 'filename.png'); // creates file 
QRcode::png('some othertext 1234'); // creates code image and outputs it directly into browser

Above examples show the most basic usage. For more features and customization see PHP QR Code wiki or read INSTALL file in distrribution package.

Monday, December 10, 2012

How To Mail Merge Graphics and Photos in Microsoft Word

How To Mail Merge Graphics and Photos in Microsoft Word

This step-by-step explanation has been excerpted from an online article on using IncludePicture and is included here by kind permission of its author.
  1. The key to variable images is to have a collection of photo or image files in a folder on your computer or network, and to name the images files the same as the contents of a field in the database. For example, if you have a database which includes a "FirstName" field, you might name personnel photos "John.jpg," "Mary.jpg," and so forth.
  2. If you're using Word 2007 or Word 2010, Save As the document in the Word 97 - 2003 (.doc) format -- NOT the Word 2007 (.docx) format. IncludePicture does not work in .docx documents due to a bug in Word. Don't bother reporting the bug to Microsoft; they've known about it for a long time.
  3. If it's not already selected, select the data source (database) into the master document you'll be working with. Only if you're using Word 2003 or before, also make sure that the Mail Merge toolbar is visible in Word's menubar; if not, enable it with Tools + Customize, and check off the Mail Merge box.
  4. Locate where you want to position your image, and insert an image from the image collection (any of them will do for now) onto the page in the usual manner using Insert + Picture + From File. However, do not press the Insert button as usual after selecting the file. Instead, press the little triangle on the right edge of that button to get a three-line menu, and click "Link to File." Do not format or resize the picture.
  5. You're now ready to make the image into a variable image. Press the Alt + F9key combination. The picture you just inserted will become something like this on a gray background:
      { INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\staff\\pictures\\John.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT \d } 
    Note that copying and pasting the above text from this article into Word will not work; you must carry out this procedure as written. Notice that the backslash ("\") characters in the filename are doubled-up. This doesn't refer to the \* and \d at the end -- just the \\'s in the filename. Word requires all backslashes in filenames to be doubled. If you ever need to edit the folder names, you must double up any backslashes that you add.
  6. Select and delete the filename portion ("John: in this example), but leave the folder name(s) with doubled-up backslashes, and leave the file's "extension" (.jpg in this case, might be .gif, .bmp, .tif or other). Be sure that you do not delete the blanks after the { and before the }. In this example we'll only remove "John" and the line will now look something like:
      { INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\staff\\pictures\\.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT \d }
  7. Leaving the cursor where "John" used to be, select the [for Word 2007/10:Mailings, Insert Merge Field] or [for Word 2003 and before: Insert Merge Fields button from the Mail Merge toolbar (typically the fifth button from the left)], and select the database field you need. In this example, you'd get:
      { INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\staff\\pictures\\{ MERGEFIELD "FirstName" }.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT \d }
  8. Press Alt + F9 again to go back to Picture View so that you can view your handiwork.
  9. Run the [for Word 2007/10: Mailings, Finish & Merge, Edit Individual Documentsor [for Word 2003 and before: Merge to New Document] (not to a printer, fax or e-mail).
  10. Don't miss this step, it's very important: Select the new document; PressCtrl + A; Press F9.

How To Create QR Codes in Java & Servlet By Viral Patel

How To Create QR Codes in Java & Servlet

Hello World QR Code in Java

Zebra Crossing (ZXing) is an awesome open source library that one can use to generate / parse QR Codes in almost all the platforms (Android, JavaSE, IPhone, RIM, Symbian etc). But if you have to generate simple QR Codes, I found it a bit clumsy to implement.

However QRGen is a good library that creates a layer on top of ZXing and makes QR Code generation in Java a piece of cake. It has a dependency on ZXing, so you would need ZXing jar files along with QRGen to create QR Codes in Java.

On the download page of ZXing, you will not find the JAR files. Instead we have to create JAR files using the source code. I have already generated these JAR files. Here are the links:

zxing-core-1.7.jar (346 KB)
zxing-javase-1.7.jar (21 KB)

Also download the QRGen JAR File from their download page.

package net.viralpatel.qrcode;
import net.glxn.qrgen.QRCode;
import net.glxn.qrgen.image.ImageType;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = QRCode.from("Hello World")
        try {
            FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // Do Logging
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Do Logging

Friday, December 7, 2012

How do I create a fillable pdf form?

How do I create a fillable pdf form?

Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat is intended for reading or viewing purpose, not for editing your pdf file.

T do so, you need Acrobat Professional with Adobe Designer installed but it will cost inside your wallet. 

You can use Scribus, a free opensource desktop publishing with support for OPenoffice document, Open document and pdf. Ghostscript need to download and installed so that PDF could run in Scribus. Use this to edit your pdf file. 

You also need either PDFCreator or PrimoPDF to convert your documents to pdf within Excel or Word or any programs.…

"you can create high-quality PDFs by converting from Word, Excel, and virtually any other printable file type".




Saturday, December 1, 2012

FOOSMS - Shortcode service provider


Corporate applications that use the Short Message Service are currently few and far between. Most of the SMS messaging volumes are generated by consumer applications. The reasons are the older age of corporate mobile phone users and their lower price sensitivity, particularly since mobile phones bills are usually paid by the company. Corporate users are less willing to learn how to and make the effort to send a short message- they tend to use voice as their primary communications method. The main corporate applications based on SMS are:
Corporate Email
The Short Message Service can be used to extend the use of corporate email systems beyond an employee's desk and office PC. With 40% of employees typically away from their desks at any one time, it is important for them to keep in touch with the office at all times. Corporate email systems run on Local Area computer Networks (LAN) and include Microsoft Mail, Outlook, Outlook Express, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes and Lotus cc:Mail.
Corporate email notifications are similar to Internet email notifications. Users are given information such as the sender and subject of the email. Any emails of a business or personal nature that are sent to the corporate email address can be sent out over the wireless network.
Because unlike Internet email notifications, corporate email services tend to use the existing corporate infrastructure and email addresses, this kind of email application tends to generate significant average quantities of short messages per user. Very few corporations have so far extended their office email systems out to the wireless environment, leaving a large opportunity for the deployment of such services.
Mobile Banking
Let us take a closer look at a specific kind of affinity program- mobile banking. The successful implementation of mobile banking programs incorporates several different elements discussed in this guide, such as Information services and SIM Application Toolkit.
Affinity programs and related lifestyle packages are a fast growing area of mobile communications, because as competition between network operators increases, differentiation and customization for specific user groups will be necessary to extend mobile phone penetration and usage. As such, they are likely to be a significant generator of short messages.
Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce applications involve using a mobile phone for financial transaction purposes- this usually means making a payment for goods or transferring funds electronically. Transferring money between accounts and paying for purchases are electronic commerce applications.
The convenience of paying for purchases using SMS must be weighed against the related issues of security, integration with the retail and banking hardware and systems, and money transfer issues. However, this area of electronic commerce applications is expected to contribute to growing SMS traffic in the future, as mobile phone penetration delivers a critical mass of potential customers for such services.
Customer Service
By providing mobile phone customers will information about their account, the Short Message Service can help to avoid the need for expensive person to person voice calls to customer service centers. In the customer service environment, SMS can help to deliver account status information, new service configuration and so on, in particular when standard SMS is combined with a protocol such as SIM Application Toolkit or Wireless Application Protocol. Some network operators find significant financial justification for deploying a value-added services platform on the basis of what they save in customer service costs alone.
Vehicle Positioning
This application integrates satellite positioning systems that tell people where they are with SMS which lets people tell others where they are. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a free-to-use global network of 24 satellites run by the US Department of Defense. Anyone with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver can receive their satellite position and thereby find out where they are. Many commercial GPS receivers also incorporate support for the Russian equivalent of the Global Positioning System.
The Short Message Service is ideal for sending Global Positioning System (GPS) position information such as longitude, latitude, bearing and altitude. GPS information is typically about 60 characters in length, leaving room for other information such as the vehicle registration details, average speed from the tachometer and so on to be transmitted as part of the same short message.
Because the position updates are automatically generated, mobile network operators find that vehicle positioning applications are amongst the leading generators of short messages.
Job Dispatch
160 characters is sufficient for communicating most delivery addresses such as those needed for a sales, service or some other job dispatch application such as mobile pizza delivery and courier package delivery.
The Short Message Service is used to assign and communicate new jobs from office-based staff to mobile field staff. Customers typically telephone a call center whose staff take the call and categorize it. Those calls requiring a visit by field sales or service representative can then be escalated to those mobile workers using SMS. Job dispatch applications can optionally be combined with vehicle positioning applications- such that the nearest available suitable personnel can be deployed to serve a customer.
SMS can be used not only to send the job out, but also as a means for the service engineer or sales person can keep the office informed of progress towards meeting the customer's requirement. The remote worker can send in a short status message such as "Job 1234 complete, on my way to 1235". Because of the need to communicate with mobile workers and effectively and cost-effectively serve customers, such job dispatch applications are likely to be steady generators of short messages.
Remote Point of Sale
SMS can also be used in a retail environment for credit card authorization. It is particularly convenient to use mobile technology when making sales from, for example, carts in the middle of isles at shopping malls, at flee markets or at sports stadiums, where it would be inconvenient to trail a fixed telephone wire. A mobile phone is connected to a Point of Sale terminal such as a credit card swipe and keypad. The credit card number is sent to a bank for authorization. The authorization code is then returned as a short message to the Point of Sale terminal.
Over the Air
Over the air capability gives mobile network operators, application developers and corporate sales managers some remote control of mobile phones for service and subscription activation, personalization and programming. Over the air facilitates a number of end user applications such as remote service activation and update book updates.
Remote Monitoring
The Short Message Service can be used to manage machines in a remote monitoring environment. This application provides people with valuable information from a remote location when an important event occurs that they need to know about. The information is automatically delivered electronically without having to constantly employ physical resources locally on the off chance that such an event occurs.
Examples of remote monitoring applications include remote meter reading, sending computer system fault information to mobile phones and notifying companies about empty vending machines.

Rediff Mobile Keywords Service (Short Code Service )

Rediff Mobile Keywords Service (Short Code Service )

What is Rediff Mobile Keywords Service?
Rediff Mobile Keywords allows you to buy SMS keywords on the Shortcode 57333. You can buy any keyword that is available (Check availability here).
Rediff mobile keywords can be used to:
  1. Generate sales leads by publishing your keyword in all your marketing campaigns. Mobile keywords can be an excellent mobile marketing tool for any kind of mobile campaigns.

  2. Reduce your cost of providing status updates to your existing customers by integrating Rediff Mobile keywords with your web application using the URL call feature.

Benefits of Rediff Mobile Keywords:
  1. Low cost of ownership: No capital expenditure in setting up your own infrastructure to manage a shortcode. maintains the infrastructure required to operate the shortcode. Also, you are not charged for the SMS sent by users to your keyword.

  2. Scales easily: On-demand hosted service allows you to scale up to as many keywords as required by you.

  3. Operator agnostic: Rediff has tied-up with most of the mobile operators in India. Click herefor a list of operators and the SMS charges for your user.

  4. Sub-keywords: When you buy a keyword, you can use unlimited sub-keywords at no extra cost. The response message sent to the customer can also be customized as per the sub-keyword using the URL call feature.
    If you buy a keyword like 'holidays', your users can send messages like 'holidays bookings' or 'holidays information'. In this case, 'bookings' and 'information' are sub-keywords for 'holidays'. There is no additional charge for sub-keywords.

  5. Easy setup: Add your keywords, set a response message and view a report of mobile numbers that have sent you an SMS – All this can be done from the online control panel provided by Rediff.

  6. Reports: For each keyword, you get a report of all the mobile numbers (along their region of origin) that have sent an SMS with the keyword. You can then use this report to call back your prospective customers.

  7. URL call: Integrate the Mobile keywords service with your own web-based application. Rediff will call the URL of your web application by appending sender's mobile number, keyword (along with sub-keywords) as parameters. You can either set the response message based on the parameter values sent to you OR store these values in your web application OR trigger an event in your web application.