Thursday, July 7, 2022

How to Run Fast Point-in-Polygon Tests with Python

Finding if given geolocation (point) exists in a given GeoShape (Polygon) file. 

A tutorial for performing fast point-in-polygon tests with Python's Shapeley and Geopandas.
by Martin D. Maas, Ph.D

Last updated: 2021-05-04

On this page:

Performing point-in-polygon queries is one of the most commonplace operations in geospatial analysis and GIS. As Python is a great tool for automating GIS workflows, being able to solve this basic problem of computational geometry as efficiently as possible is often a prerequisite for further analysis.

How to check if a point is inside a polygon in Python

To perform a Point in Polygon (PIP) query in Python, we can resort to the Shapely library's functions .within(), to check if a point is within a polygon, or .contains(), to check if a polygon contains a point.

Here's some example code on how to use Shapely.

from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon    # Create Point objects  p1 = Point(24.82, 60.24)  p2 = Point(24.895, 60.05)    # Create a square  coords = [(24.89, 60.06), (24.75, 60.06), (24.75, 60.30), (24.89, 60.30)]  poly = Polygon(coords)    # PIP test with 'within'  p1.within(poly)     # True  p2.within(poly)     # False    # PIP test with 'contains'  poly.contains(p1)   # True  poly.contains(p2)   # False 

How to get a list of points inside a polygon in Python

One of the simplest and most efficient ways of getting a list of points inside a polygon with Python is to rely on the Geopandas library and perform a spatial join. To do this, we simply create one geodataframe with points and another one with polygons, and join them with 'sjoin'.

In this example, we will use, as polygons, the shapefile of US counties and a list of random points, uniformly distributed in the lat-long region of (23,51)x(-126,-64).

Let's begin by importing all the libraries we are going to need

import geopandas as gpd  import pandas as pd  import numpy as np  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  from shapely.geometry import Point  

Now we open a shapefile containing our polygons

# Open the shapefile  counties = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('cb_2018_us_county_20m.shp')  

That's it for the polygons, let's move on now to generate a GeoDataFrame with some points

# Generate random points  

N=10000 lat = np.random.uniform(23,51,N) lon = np.random.uniform(-126,-64,N) # Create geodataframe from numpy arrays df = pd.DataFrame({'lon':lon, 'lat':lat}) df['coords'] = list(zip(df['lon'],df['lat'])) df['coords'] = df['coords'].apply(Point) points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry='coords',

Finally, let's perform the spatial join:

# Perform spatial join to match points and polygons  pointInPolys =, counties, op="within", how='left')  

That's it, we have just matched points and polygons!

Now, let's use this to retrieve the points from a specific polygon, as follows:

# Example use: get points in Los Angeles, CA.  pnt_LA = points[pointInPolys.NAME=='Los Angeles']  

That's it, now let's plot everything

# Plot map with points in LA in red  base = counties.boundary.plot(linewidth=1, edgecolor="black")  points.plot(ax=base, linewidth=1, color="blue", markersize=1)  pnt_LA.plot(ax=base, linewidth=1, color="red", markersize=8)  

This will produce the following image:

Points in LA countyRetrieving points in a specific polygon from a list of points-in-polygons

You can download the complete script here

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